Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mordours Pizza

Oh goodness. There is much to be said about Mordours, but sadly not a lot of positives... in a word: Awkward. Let's start with the location. I'm sure (if you live in Fayetteville), you've driven past the classy establishment called Seductions... what the H. If you don't live in Fayetteville, Seductions is a trashy lingerie store that, when driven passed, results in some sort of comment or joke. So since it gets noticed by us, we also happened to notice the awkward pizza place sharing the same building. And that's how Mordours made its grand entrance into our lives. We decided (mostly with lots of laughing) to go try it out the other night... this is what happened. We walked in (as we passed a group heading into the lingerie store and Lucas' eyes were locked on the ground) a little confused, managed to find a worker and order a pizza. Then we were given our luke-warm canned beverages and found a table (which was tough...). Immediately after seating ourselves, we noticed that NO ONE was talking. There were 3 other parties there and 2 workers and complete silence. Awkward. So we continued to whisper and snicker until our pizza came. We would LOVE to tell you that Mordours is the best kept pizza secret in Fayetteville (we really were rooting for the under dog), but sadly this is not the case. It was just mediocre and since the restaurant didn't have any other redeeming qualities... it lost. There's really not much else to be said except to throw in the incredible entertainment we found in the random, solo boy sitting behind us, playing his gameboy and bobbing his head profusely to the music the whole time we were there. Awesome. And... AWKWARD.

Ok, it did have one redeeming quality-- the to-go boxes were "the bomb dot com" (from Lucas). But really they were the coolest.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Under The Same Moon

Hola, como estas? Mi llamo Lucas. Cuantos anios tienes? End of Lucas' spanish knowledge.
First of all, we want to give credit where credit is due and that is to Hillary Swanton and Ben Rector, who referred us to this fine film. However, they did fail to mention that it was not in English... small detail. We forgive them. Under the Same Moon is about a nine year old boy named Carlitos whose mom is living in the U.S. trying to gain citizenship so that he can come live with her. Carlitos lives with his grandmother (his only living relative in Mexico) and when she dies he decides to wait no longer and make the journey to America on his own. His journey is full of trials and hard times but Carlitos' love for his mother drives him to persevere. Carlitos' joy for life and love for the people he encounters is truly inspiring and will leave you teary eyed... well maybe. Rebekah cried 3 different times, Lucas failed to tear up once. Nonetheless, we thoroughly enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to anyone. 4 stars.

(Speed reading classes are recommended before hand! - Lucas)
(Don't let him deter you, you quickly forget about the subtitles! -Rebekah)